Lost Omens Character Guide Pdf Download

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Anonymous No.70399149 Report

At 128 pages, Gods & Magic is Lost Omens Character Guide-length. I do not expect it to offer as much in the way of actual character options as the Lost Omens Character Guide, since much of it has to go into setting lore, but I still hope that can expand the game's options.

The Lost Omens Character Guide had a tiny handful of non-archetype, non-dedication class feats, and I hope that Gods & Magic gives more, especially for the champion and the cleric. Champions really need better 2nd- and 4th-level class feats, and no, I do not think Sun Blade from the Lost Omens Character Guide is that good.

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Anonymous No.70401343 Report


That said, it is also worth noting that this is coming out shortly before the Gamemastery Guide, which is hopefully an even more significant product.

Anonymous No.70401405 Report

Wait i thought GM guide was coming Feb. Does that mean Gods and Magic is this Jan? Whats Gods and Magic going to bring? New cleric doctrines? Champion tenets? Maybe magus thesis for wizard?

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Anonymous No.70402299 Report

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The street date of Gods and Magic is January 29, whereas the street date of the Gamemastery Guide is Feburary 26. Both are still a ways off.

I do not think much in the way of player options has been confirmed for Gods and Magic. I am fairly certain, however, that a magus would be very far-off, well past even the Advanced Player's Guide.

Anonymous No.70402787 Report

So in a later book rangers will get their spells back via focus spells. Do you guys think champions will be able to have more "castery" builds with additional focus spells?

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Anonymous No.70402844 Report

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Champions already have a fair amount of focus spells, but I think that optimized champions are actually best-off sticking to Lay on Hands for the most part. That is, they should also stick to Charisma 10 throughout their career, except at 10th level when they should bump up to Charisma 12 to have their 9th-level class feature trigger vulnerabilities.

It would take some seriously strong, Charisma-dependent focus spells for me to change my assessment on this. Sun Blade is not quite so spectacular as to prop up a Charisma-using champion from an optimization perspective.

Anonymous No.70403925 Report

Could a Wizard do some decent archery with some multiclassing? The "Arcane Archer" character archetype is something that seems cool to me but hard to get right.

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Anonymous No.70404494 Report


Bows are on the MAD side, and require Strength 14 just to gain a measly +1 damage bonus. This matters less and less as the levels go by and striking runes appear, but it will definitely sting at the lower levels.

Perhaps worse for a wizard is that it will take a very long time for weapon proficiency with a bow to increase, let alone gain weapon specialization. Plinking away with True Strike and Bespell Weapon is not going to get you particularly far.

Perhaps the best "arcane archer" available is a crossbow ranger who uses an alchemical bow and loads it up with cheap bombs for elemental damage types.

Is this character supposed to start at 1st level? If so, that will be especially rough.

Anonymous No.70404969 Report

Have you ever thought of just fucking off? Your autism is unbearable.

Anonymous No.70406590 Report

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Use dual class PCs.

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Anonymous No.70406662 Report

>If so, that will be especially rough.

No, it won't be.

Anonymous No.70406871 Report

I don't get it.

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Anonymous No.70406890 Report

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You don't separate a piece of mechanics and judge it in separation to the Big Picture. This is lunacy and the primary fetish of armchair theorists who have never found enough courage to attend a session and play with real people.

What you should do instead is to discuss specific scenarios and observe how certain solutions fare, their strengths and weaknesses.

Anonymous No.70406915 Report

You should probably become an hero my newfriend

Anonymous No.70406933 Report

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Wooooooooooow! He speaks deep-chan! Woooooooooooooooooooooow!

Anonymous No.70406956 Report

My friend wants to play an Oracle Hellknight, how bad a time is he in for?

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Anonymous No.70406966 Report

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It depends on where the scenario takes place and what events are before him, doesn't it?

Anonymous No.70406995 Report

If he goes Battle mystery, he can get the Hellknight bit to come online pretty fast. The way the curses work he's going to want to never stop swinging once he upgrades his curse, so he might come off a bit more barbarian-like than he would expect.

Anonymous No.70407047 Report

Would a +1 striking deadly weapon under the affect of "Weapon Surge" still only deal 1d8 extra deadly damage or 2d8 as if the weapon was using a greater striking rune. My guess is the first since paizo doesnt like fun

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Anonymous No.70407086 Report


Being a battle mystery oracle is probably the only practical way to qualify for Hellknight Armiger without it being extremely rough on the feats. I would say that Hellknight feats might not be so bad for a battle mystery oracle, if only because most oracle feats are *so* bad that pursuing an archetype/dedication is optimal for the great majority of oracles anyway.

Also, the player should be aware that the oracle is likely due for extensive revisions come July. The oracle is likely the weakest class in the game overall, below even the alchemist, though it can be made quasi-useful given some work. A battle oracle, in particular, will have to Strike every turn if they do not want to suck up significant penalties to AC and saving throws; while this may encourage ranged attacks, a bow would be terribly MAD for a battle oracle, unless said battle oracle completely avoids any spells that call for spellcasting ability modifier.

What level is this character starting at?


>Deadly: On a critical hit, the weapon adds a weapon damage die of the listed size. Roll this after doubling the weapon's damage. This increases to two dice if the weapon has a greater striking rune and three dice if the weapon has a major striking rune. Forinstance, a rapier with a greater striking rune deals 2d8 extra piercing damage on a critical hit. An ability that changes the size of the weapon's normal damage dice doesn't change the size of its deadly die.

Deadly specifically checks for the type of striking rune, not for the weapon damage dice. This is, in part, why deadly loses value the moment striking runes become available: it has a "dead gap" with a regular striking rune.

Ergo, deadly works best at the lowest of levels, when there are no striking runes going around.

Anonymous No.70407173 Report

He is starting at 3rd level, he wants to go Order of the Pyre and use a Glaive, focusing on more support and utility magic from his oracle spellcasting.

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Anonymous No.70407594 Report

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If the character *has* to be a glaive-wielding divine spellcaster focusing on support, they are probably better off as a Shelynite warpriest using human General Training to pick up armor proficiency. As a battle oracle, they are going to struggle a fair deal, due to how much the oracle fails to stack up to the cleric.

For a battle oracle, I would most likely go with a half-elf (since Ageless Patience comes at 5th level) with Strength 16, Dexterity 12, Constitution 14, Intelligence 10, Wisdom 14, Charisma 12. 1st-level ancestry feat can be just about anything, 2nd-level class feat probably goes into Hellknight Armiger, and 3rd-level general feat should most likely be Canny Acumen for Perception. Armor would be splint mail, since Strength 16 is as high as Strength goes on an oracle before 5th level.

I would seriously consider never actually using revelation spells, if only to give the character more turn-by-turn flexibility, rather than forcing the character to commit to a Strike every round.

Anonymous No.70407681 Report

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What's the least bad oracle build in the game then?

Source: http://archive.4plebs.org/tg/thread/70398665/

Posted by: kristalsirpillae0199051.blogspot.com

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